
Amir Moradi

As a software engineer recruitment advisor, I understand the challenges that organizations face when it comes to finding and hiring top talent. The job market is competitive, and it can be difficult to find the right candidates with the right skills and fit for your organization.

That’s where I can help. With years of experience in the tech industry and a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed as a software engineer, I offer a unique and valuable perspective on the recruitment process.

Here’s how my software engineer recruitment advisory service can benefit your organization:

  1. Customized approach: Every organization is different, and what works for one company may not work for another. I take the time to understand your specific needs and goals, and develop a customized recruitment strategy that will help you find the right candidates for your team.
  2. Network of qualified candidates: As a seasoned software engineer myself, I have a network of qualified candidates that goes beyond just those who are actively looking for a new job. This means you have access to a larger pool of talented individuals who may not have otherwise applied for your open positions.
  3. Expertise in evaluating candidates: Finding the right fit for your organization is critical to success. I have the skills and experience to properly evaluate a candidate’s skills and fit within your organization, saving you the time and effort of sifting through resumes and conducting interviews.
  4. Reduced risk of hiring mistakes: Hiring the wrong candidate can be costly in terms of time and resources. My advisory service can help reduce the risk of making a hiring mistake by properly vetting candidates and ensuring that they are a good fit for your organization.

In summary, my software engineer recruitment advisory service can help your organization find and hire top talent, saving you time and resources in the process. If you’re looking to build a strong, successful software engineering team, don’t hesitate to reach out and see how I can help.

amir moradi Full Stack CTO as a Service, Startup & Scale-up Tech Advisor, Hacker, Serial Builder.
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Om Amir Moradi

Amir Moradi er en Paris-baseret teknologileder, iværksætter og konsulent med over ti års erfaring inden for teknologiledelse, digital sundhedspleje, e-handel, SaaS, kunstig intelligens (AI) og maskinlæringsplatforme (ML). Amir er kendt for sin resultatorienterede tilgang og ekspertise inden for skalering af højvækstvirksomheder og har haft bemærkelsesværdige lederroller, herunder som Chief Technology Officer (CTO) i Beauteprivee, en førende fransk e-handelsvirksomhed inden for kosmetik, og som medstifter af flere innovative virksomheder.

Tidligt liv og uddannelse

Amir fortsatte sin videregående uddannelse på Université de Lorraine i Frankrig, hvor han fik en bachelorgrad i netværks- og kontrolteknik og en Kandidatgrad i kompleks systemteknik. Hans akademiske fundament lagde grunden til hans dybe tekniske ekspertise og innovative problemløsningsevner.


Amir er en produktiv innovatør og har været medvirkende til at lancere flere AI-drevne platforme, herunder, en forenklet infrastrukturplatform for maskinlæring, og, en AI-tekst-til-billede-generator. Hans arbejde lægger konsekvent vægt på inklusivitet, skalerbarhed og banebrydende teknologi.

Ud over sine iværksætterbestræbelser er Amir Moradi en højlydt fortaler for ansvarlig teknologibrug og har grundlagt LumenVigil for at øge bevidstheden om farerne ved overdreven skærmeksponering, især for børn.

Færdigheder og anerkendelser

Amir Moradi taler flydende persisk, engelsk og fransk og har et grundlæggende kendskab til arabisk og hindi, og han er en dygtig kommunikator på tværs af forskellige kulturelle og professionelle sammenhænge. Han er blevet anerkendt for sit lederskab i forskellige fora og har vundet priser som Startup Weekend Nancy og Créativ'Est.


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