Travailler avec Amir a été vraiment passionnant et enrichissant. Il a su se montrer très professionnel, responsable et investi dans les taches et projets qui lui ont été confié. Il a évolué et évolue encore dans le bon sens et rapidement, il est capable de comprendre les enjeux dans leur ensemble et pas seulement d'un point de vue technique. Suite à mon départ de l'entreprise beauteprivee, il a su reprendre les reines avec brio et faire monter l'entreprise encore un cran au dessus tout en accompagnant sa forte croissance.
Working with Amir has been really exciting and rewarding. He knew how to be very professional, responsible and invested in the tasks and projects entrusted to him. He has evolved and is still evolving in the right direction and quickly, it is able to understand the issues as a whole and not only from a technical point of view. Following my departure from the Beauteprivee company, he was able to take the reins with brio and raise the company a step further while accompanying its strong growth.
More than a manager, Amir is a mentor and a coach committed to the progress and well-being of his team.
I had the pleasure of working in the IT team, managed by him for three years at Beauteprivee.
During a high period of business development, Amir found the time to share his knowledge and assist me on different projects to improve my skills. I started with a junior profil, to finish with a senior stack and great business skills. I will miss his excellent teaching !
As a team member or a leader, Amir earns my highest recommendation.
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